Agile IT Consulting

To shortcut your way into the world of IT, it is very advisable to hire IT consulting companies that offer a robust portfolio of IT consulting services, as well as knowledge and expertise.

When you hire a tech consulting firm, you hire experience, knowledge, and a portfolio of services at your fingertips to leverage IT in your business environment.

Techblitz technology consulting team provides the gears that help clients overcome the challenges associated with two-speed IT. We understand new Agile & disruptive technology and we have the skills, tools and methods to help you gain speed and agility while integrating and maintaining traditional IT. Our technology consultants work end-to-end across all IT dimensions, from strategy to architecture to digital, we deliver transformative outcomes.

Why TechBlitz
Project manager , IT support LA is a project-driven IT company. Every project, no matter how simple, is treated by our company in terms of project management using the Strategic Plan as our framework standards.
With our IT Strategic planning service, which is built into our offering, your business will benefit from:
  1. Comprehensive Scope of Project from A to Z: You do not need to educate yourself with hours of research about what you want to achieve. We will do it for you
  2. Project Management Experience: Timelines, communication, accountability charts and project leads are just part of the framework we use to execute every project successfully.
  3. Budgeting and Planning: A truly proactive approach to your infrastructure. Frustration arises when you have to reach out to your IT for recommendations. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? We believe so too.
  4. Vendor Coordination and Management: We not only execute the project but we are the point of contact when coordinating communication with ALL vendors. For example, this is why projects related to software migration are our best performers.
  5. Accelerated Timelines: Often we learn that what should be simple projects, such as terminal server implementation, can take months. This is almost always due toa lack of, or just plain bad, planning. Our company is capable of executing even the most complex IT projects in matters of weeks. Most projects are usually done within a matter of days – simpler projects within hours.
  6. No Unexpected Costs: Has it ever frustrated you to start a project at an agreed-upon price only to learn that more funding is required throughout the project? We at IT Support LA, using our unique framework, are able to provide proper project analysis costs with 100% accurate delivery. We will NEVER provide a solution that will cost more down the road. If such a scenario occurs, we cover the difference.
  7. Redefined IT Experience: Our company’s competitive advantage is our core focus on the customer IT experience. We make sure that any components which might impact your experience (delays, cost fluctuations, miscommunications, or improper communications) are recognized and dispatched prior to starting, so your project is delivered on time and on budget and fully meeting your expectations.

Confucius wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” but what use is that step if you have not plotted the best path to your destination? Even more to the point, Ben Franklin once said that those who ‘Fail to plan, plan to fail.” Among the many bits of wisdom he imparted, none is truer than this.

Techblitz IT Tea, can help you come up with a solid Strategic IT Plan that you can rely on to propel your company forward on the journey to greater success.

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